First TEDx in Habana!

I do not know how I managed to miss this, but as soon as I stumbled across the news I immediately had to share it wit20141225_143336h you guys.
Two years after the application, on November 15th 2014 the very first TEDx event took place in Habana. TED, or TEDx talks are known all over the world for the inspiring talks on various issues. From political topics to societal issues as well as medicine and technological inventions which are shared with the audience and usually  through livestream people from all over the world can watch the event.
In the Netherlands, the country I am currently living in, TED talks occur quite regularly in university cities. But in Cuba, this is a new development. Especially the fact that US-American speakers, as well as Cuban speakers were invited to share their ideas.

Very often, people think that due to Cuba’s political and economic isolation, there is no vibrant art and culture scene in the country. This is simply wrong. Music and dance culture is a fundamental part of Cuba’s life, as well as art20141225_165855s. If people think that street art is something which only belongs to hip cosmopolitan cities, then they are wrong. I remember very well the amazing street art that I saw in Santa Clara. Having said that, the official TED blog describes
The theme: “inCUBAndo!,” or “InCUBAte.” The talks and performances all encouraged the audience to think outside of the box in some way and push their expectations of what Cuba can and will be. “I didn’t want every speaker to give a TED-style talk,” says Levin. “I wanted to give TED a Cuban flavor.” *

The lineup of speakers was very diverse. From a speaker on LGBTQ rights in Cuba, another speaker on organic farming in Cuba and the risks of farming with pestizides, and many more. The event also included dance performances and music, of course.

A very nice quote from the promo video was the statement of an elderly lady who was also giving a talk. She said “Obviously, I have love for my homeland Cuba. But I want to reach out to the whole world!”

Watch the promo video of the first TEDx Event here

You can also watch some of the talks on youtube or here

I wish I could have been there to see the talk myself, but unfortunately I missed it as I went to Cuba around 1 month after the event. Too bad, but let’s hope that there will be many more TED talks in Habana!

*TED Blog, “The first TEDx in Cuba: An event in Habana, two years in the making,” Dec 2014, retrieved from

Picture retrieved from

LGBT rights in Cuba: ”Yes to socialism, no to homophobia!”

Quick update on what’s going on in Cuba right now:

-celebration of about 1000 people in Havana who stand up against homophobia
– the meeting is organized by Raul Castro’s daughter Mariela Castro Espin who is a known sexologist in the country

Vice article on the situation:

”This year marked Cuba’s eighth annual LGBT pride parade, and hundreds came out against homophobia, demanding “workplaces that are free from discrimination due to sexual orientation or gender identity,” and equal marriage rights.

But the highlight of Saturday’s parade for many spectators — some holding signs that read, “Yes tosocialism, No to homophobia” — was a series of mock weddings held in downtown Havana, complete with priests who blessed the crowd.

A group of more than 50 Protestant students formed a conga line led by Mariela Castro. Together with colorfully dressed dancers from across the gender spectrum, they marched through the city to celebrate diversity and tolerance.

Yet, despite increasing support for the LGBT movement in Cuba, the national assemblywoman has been unable to influence a redefining of the Cuban Family Code, which does not currently recognize the right to same-sex marriage. 

Cuba has, however, made strides in recent years toward a broader definition of what constitutes a union between partners. In 2011, Cuba celebrated its first legally recognizednon-traditional marriage, after a post-op transgender male was legally recognized as female and allowed to wed her partner, a homosexual male.

“We have demonstrated that our project is not impossible,” Mariela Castro said on Saturday to droves of supporters. “If I were a lesbian or transgender, this [work] would be much more difficult. The fact that I’m heterosexual allows me to reach heterosexual people.”

She did, however, acknowledge that among her beneficial traits, “being able to talk to the president on a random Sunday also helps.”

Castro has been an integral figurehead for the Cuban LGBT community since becoming the director of Cuba’s sexual education center, Cenesex, in 2000. Former Communist leader Fidel Castro spoke out publicly in 2010 on his revolutionary government’s persecution of “ideological deviants” decades before, regretting the role he had played in this “great injustice.”

And many have argued that Mariela is in a privileged position to influence policy, as Raul’s daughter and Fidel’s niece. ”

Read the full article here

Is Cuba changing? It is true that the country and its people is living in a time of transformation.
Often, Cuba is regarded is old-fashioned and ultra conservative, which is not completely true.
Latin America is a pretty Catholic and conservative society which rejects LGBT rights.
The Atala family vs. Chile

Ms. Atala, citizen of Chile, mother of three girls got a divorce from her husband. She obtained full custody for her girls, but then it turned out that she was lesbian. Ms. Atala started living with her partner and her ex-husband who found out about the situation got very angry. He demanded full custody over his children and a very long court process started.
Ms. Atala lost custody over her kids and because of her homosexuality the Chilean national courts even agreed with her husband. In 2003, the Chilean Juvenile court also granted provisional custody to the father. In 2004, Chile’s supreme court of justice also gave permanent custody to the father.
In 2010 then (!!!) the Latin American court of human rights refused Chile’s ruling and gave custody to Ms. Atala. This was after the mother has been seperated for eight years from her children.

The right to equality and non-discrimination was harmed, as well as the child’s best interest was harmed, as well as the right to family. Also, the right to private life and family life was disregarded.

It is important to note that the LGBT problem is a global issue which needs to be adressed and Cuba is not an exceptional case.

Picture: bbc